Bob Marley, an artist who with every of his actions wanted to make this world a better world.  He didn’t live for him but for peace.  – DOCUMENTARY

(click on the link below)

Arunachalam Muruganantham: How I started a sanitary napkin revolution! – video TED talk

A man in love with his wife created a revolution in poor rural areas in India.  He wanted to help his wife and all women who were not able to afford sanitary napkins when they have their periods.  A beautiful story of a philanthropist!

Hannah Brencher: Love letters to strangers – short TED talk

Hannah started writing love letters to strangers, she left love letters in public spaces, and she would brighten up someone’s day.  She describes it as an art… an art that spread worlwide and grew into a global initiative: The World Needs More Love Letters.  Awesome video!

Georgette Mulheir: The tragedy of orphanages – TED talk

Orphanages are costly and can cause irreparable damage both mentally and physically for its charges.  Georgette Mulheir is a pioneer for the movement to end child abuse in the form of orphanages.

Child Brides – video 2

How can we stop young children as young as 5 years old to be forced to get married?  A very complex problem rooted in poverty, lack of access to education, honour and culture… 51 million children in the world are child brides.

Child Brides – short video

There are about 51 million child brides around the world today.  Forced to wed, young girls, kids from the age of 5 years old are victims of either poverty or tradition.  These type of forced marriages also affects young boys.